A Consumer-based View of Data Gathering

The more social media use becomes a way of business and a way of life, the more we are seeing – and will continue to see – issues around data collection and user privacy.  It of course makes sense for marketers to leverage this data, but in my opinion, we’re going about it in the wrong way.

Brands MUST begin to view data as a relationship-building and consumer-engagement opportunity, rather than simply a targeting tool.  The targeting mentality is all about “catching” the customer, zeroing in on the customer like prey — totally counter to the emerging culture of social/relationship-based marketing!

Brands that embrace this targeting mentality are missing the boat and letting a huge relationship-building opportunity pass them by.  Let’s turn the table on the data collection/privacy issue and instead make it valuable to the consumer in the form of getting to know them and serving them better.

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