Some Top Social Hits & Misses of the Past Few Weeks

TedRubin-HeadShot-10.5.11-200x300It’s a wild and crazy social media world out there.  Small businesses, big brands, celebrities and everyone in between continues to struggle to find the right balance of engagement and sharing in social media (some with grace, others… not so much).  So, who knocked it out of the park and who struck out in social media in the past few weeks?

Here are a few notable items that gave me cause for pause:

Missed the Mark (by a mile)

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The Decline of Machines – Why Social Media is not Technology and Vice Versa

Originally posted at Collective Bias Blog 


Most of today’s senior business leaders and marketers developed much of their perspective during the dot com boom of the late 90s and early 2000s. It is little wonder then that when approaching social marketing the solution for most folks is rooted in technology.  The same with most start-ups that are still pursuing the model of aggregating a huge audience, using “Big Data” to spot patterns of groups and selling ads. People buy more stuff and we get a ridiculous valuation.

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Learn to Savor the Moments—and Help Your Customers Do the Same

You’ve heard the old adage “Stop tosmell the roses,” right? Well, I’ve come to learn that when life hands you those “moments,” it’s best to slow down, savor them and commit them to memory. They only come around once! And when you make a conscious effort to put yourself in that moment and really experience it with all your senses, you can recall that memory in an instant, and “re-savor” it. How can this relate to your business? Let’s try a little experiment. Close your eyes and think back to a particularly happy moment in your life. Picture where you were, what you were doing, and who was with you. What happens when you think hard about that moment? Are the details sharp and clear? I’ll bet that for those really good memories, you can even recall smells and the sense of touch or taste—things that trigger an emotional lift and make you smile. Now think about when you last had a fun experience while shopping. Perhaps you were at an event,or browsing a brick-and-mortar store… what products come to mind? What details do you remember about the experience? When you’re thinking about “branding” your business (and it doesn’t matter if you sell cupcakes or care-giving services), think about providing your customers with the kind of experiences that they will want to savor, because that’s a foot in the door to building a long-lasting relationship with them. What can you do that will make them want to stop and savor your “moments?”

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