B2B, Social Media and Search

Search is especially crucial for business-to-business (B2B) enterprises and it seems that social media is playing an important role to improve B2B’s search performance.

According to data from BtoB magazine and Business.com, almost half of the B2B marketers surveyed indicated that social media has had positive influence over search performance.

So, how does social media improve search? Generating inbound links is the trick and social media is the vehicle to do just that. Businesses, which are capable of producing compelling content, usually see better results. Great content is easily sharable and garners engagement. The more clicks the shared link receives, the better the quality of the inbound link becomes.

Other than link building, B2Bs also use social media to expand their profiles and presence to increase their rankings on major search engines on an overall basis.

But while all the focus is on search ranking, it’s important that B2Bs also have a kick-ass webpage that converts visitors to clients. Otherwise, it would be just adding more non-performing pretty statistics to your Google Analytics totals.

Social media for B2B isn’t just about search, but it can be a powerful tool if used correctly.

Willis Wee

Penn Olson Social Media