Voting for Marketing Book of The Year is Open & Return on Relationship is on the List, #RonR…

Below originally posted at Marketing Book of The Year 2014

*Vote Here…*



Welcome to Marketing Book of The Year 2014.2013 was a very successful year for marketing books. We saw lots of different titles being published and covering most marketing aspects.
Although Social Media remains the hottest subject for many established and new marketing authors, we saw interesting new titles in branding, communication, innovation, strategy, etc…Marketing Book of the Year is an organisation of EMM and selects the best global Marketing Book of The Year 2013 from the world wide offer in the last year. 

“With this competition we do not only want to award the best marketing book of the year, we also want to encourage authors, publishers and marketeers in all parts of the world to take initiatives to share their ideas by means of the written word.”

EMM, Expert Marketer Magazine, is a magazine about marketing books and marketing authors. It provides vision, knowledge and wisdom in a handy digital magazine full of hyperlinks to more detailed information. EMM offers marketers all the right tools for them to select the right marketing book which is right for him/her at that moment of their specific need.
Key components include:

  • Marketing Book reviews with free chapters, thorough analysis and presentations
  • Marketing authors columns, interviews, articles and quotes
  • Book Ordering made easy via hyperlinks to several online book stores

Amongst all voters, EMM is offering 50 free subscriptions (one year subscription) to EMM.
All voters will receive a copy of the magazine EMM 1 – Q1,2014  for free as a thank you gift.

Thank you for your valued participation.

*Vote Here…*

An organisation of