#MarketerMonday with @JeffreyHayzlett on Social Media, Crowdsourcing & Change

In just a few hours it will be #MMchat time again and this week our SPECIAL guest will be none other than @JeffreyHayzlett for this Monday January 24th at 8:00pm eastern!!

The topic for our chat tonight? Is your business breathing in 2011? Social Media, Crowdsourcing & Change. We look forward to Jeff’s insights and on these based on his previous experiences at Kodak and as a cowboy.

Hope you’re all as excited as I am to have @JeffreyHayzlett join us and that you will all make the time to be with us tonight, for it truly is all of you who make #MarketerMonday Chat matter!

Remember #MMchat makes Mondays MARVELOUS!!


Jeff Ashcroft
